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TheraSuit Method®

TheraSuit Method® is an intensive and specific exercise program that uses various tools including a TheraSuit, and a Universal Exercise Unit (UEU). The TheraSuit Method is a holistic approach for those afflicted with neurological disorders like Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, and Traumatic Brain Injuries.


It is based on an intensive and specific strengthening exercise program where pathological reflexes are eliminated and new, correct, and functional patterns of movements are established. This is achieved through the use of the TheraSuit (breathable soft dynamic orthotic, with its major goals to improve and change proprioception, reduce pathological reflexes, restore physiological muscle synergies, and slowly load the entire body with weight) and a Universal Exercise Unit (function is to isolate the desired movements and strengthen the muscle groups responsible for that movement, allowing for gains in range of motion, muscle, and joint flexibility, as well as functional skills).


TherasuitLLC, 2020 – Find out more here:

**Please note at this point in time resources (Suit and UEU) are not available to deliver this intervention in person. Nurture & Thrive hopes to offer this service in the future, however, for now only the knowledge, underlying principles, and strategies can be offered and shared to support clients. Please just ask us for more information and updates with regard to this service.  

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Nurture and Thrive Children’s Therapy Collective was established by Jamie Blank and Erin Rayner as a way to bring together Allied Health practitioners who are working towards a shared goal to improve the health and wellbeing of Tamariki, Rangatahi and their Whānau. 

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Registered Paediatric Occupational Therapists - New Zealand

Come and join us at our incredible Kāpiti & Wellington Clinics
5  Raumati Road, Raumati Beach, Kāpiti Coast 5032 & 1 Kaiwharawhara Road, Kaiwharawhara, 6035

Kāpiti Coast, Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and online across Aotearoa


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